Casual Vacancies

A casual vacancy on the Village Council occurs when:-

  1. a local Councillor fails to make his declaration of acceptance of office within the proper time;or
  2. when his notice of resignation is received; or
  3. on the day of his death; or
  4. in the case of a disqualification under the Audit Commission Act or the Local Government Act 2000; or by virtue of a conviction on the day when either the time for appeal or application for relief expires, or such appeal or application is dismissed or abandoned; or
  5. in the case of an election being declared void; or
  6. where a person ceases to be qualified, or becomes disqualified for any reason other than conviction or order, or is persistently absent from meetings.

When a casual vacancy occurs due to one of the above reasons the Village Council will inform the Local Authority (NELC) and after the Local Authority has advertised to ensured that there will be no election to fill the vacancy, the Village Council are then able to co opt a candidate onto the Village Council providing that candidate meets the legal criteria to serve as a Parish Councillor.

We do not currently have any vacanices for Village Councillor.

Please contact the Clerk for more information or if you are interested in becoming a Village Councillor.


Vacancy for Groundskeeper

We currently have a vacancy for a part time Groundskeeper for our Cemetery, Allotments and St Francis Play Area.


Application Form

Application Form Guidance

Job Description

If you would like a printed copy, or a word version of the application form, or have any questions, then please email the Clerk -  

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