- LVC Abusive, Persistant and Vexatious Complaints Policy v1 1.6.24
- LPC Bullying and Harassment Statement December 2022
- LPC Bullying and Harassment Policy v1 5.7.22
- LPC Capability Policy and Procedure v1 5.7.22
- LPC Civility and Respect Certificate 1.11.22
- LPC Code of Conduct v4 6.6.23
- LVC Complaints Policy v4 1.6.24
- LPC Community Engagement Statement v1 7.2.23
- LPC Confidentiality Policy v2 1.3.22 (reviewed 1.4.23)
- LPC Data Protection Policy v2 1.3.22 (reviewed 1.4.23)
- LPC Dignity at Work Policy v2 4.10.22 - replaces Bullying and Harassment Policy
- LPC Disciplinary Policy and Procedure v2 5.7.22
- LVC Document Control and Records Management Policy v2 1.6.24
- LPC Equal Opportunities Statement v1 5.7.22
- LPC Equality and Diversity Policy v2 5.7.22
- LVC Emergency Plan 9.10.24
- LPC FOI Policy v2 1.3.22 ((reviewed 1.4.23)
- LPC FOI Charging Policy v2 1.3.22 (reviewed 1.4.23)
- LVC Grant Awarding Policy v3 5.9.24
- LVC Grant Application Form
- LPC Grievance Policy and Procecdure v2 5.7.22
- LVC Health and Safety Policy v3 11.2.22 (revised 1.4.25)
- LVC Model Financial Regulations v6 2.7.24
- LVC Model Publication Scheme v3 1.6.24
- LPC Privacy Statement v2 1.2.22 (reviewed 1.4.23)
- LPC Recording of Meetings Policy v4 7.5.24
- LPC Risk Register v3 1.3.23
- LPC SAR Form v2 1.3.22 (reviewed 1.4.23)
- LVC Sexual and General Harassment Policy v1 5.11.24
- LVC Model Standing Orders v7 4.3.25
- LPC Training and Development Policy v1 5.7.22